Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tony's Week Four: What She Said.

Long time coming, this is Do Something Awesome, Week Four! Live from my cold, dark apartment!

Before Week Five hits and another several days of posting procrastination, I figured it was about time for a discussion of the tremendous awesomenesity of Week Four before the fresh memories faded from my mind. Oh wait, that's not an issue, since Week Four's awesome is recorded in all its glorious wonder on - archived under "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - December 28, 2009."

That's right, Week Four was spent vacationing in New York City! Beginning with the taping of the Daily Show with m'colleague TJ Dietderich and to-be-long-time friend Will Aronson, the trip was a week-long romp of the not-so-touristy hotspots of the city. From kitchy, underground restaurants to fake tour-giving at the National Museum of Natural Arts. Influenza-influenced nightclubs to solving century old murder mysteries. The Daily Show was the only beginning of a mind-numbing awesome trip that only recently ended when I finally regained consciousness.

Recounting the whole adventure would be too cumbersome but suffice it to say that seeing old time friends (Shayne and TJ - both of whom are Do Something Awesome posters here), and experiencing life in a real city was a needed change from the mundane that I currently live in.

A truly awesome week to end Month One of the Do Something Awesome Project.

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